PennDOT Names Latest Group of ‘Young Ambassadors’

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and volunteer-based education organization Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful (KPB) recently announced the 2024-2025 cohort of “Young Ambassadors of Pennsylvania” – a program launched by the agency in 2021 as a way to grow the next generation of leaders and help keep communities statewide be free of litter.

[Above image via PennDOT]

PennDOT conducted the Pennsylvania Litter Research Study from 2018 through 2019 along with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Keep America Beautiful, and KPB, to determine the impact and removal cost of litter along state roadways – which, at the time, came to $13 million annually for the agency alone and $68 million every year for city governments across the state.

The study also recommended creating a youth education and outreach program to help reduce littering, which resulted in the creation of the “Young Ambassadors” program.

KPB provides education and training to program participants on topics related to the impacts of litter, litter prevention, waste management and recycling, civic engagement and related public policy, volunteer management, and social media marketing.

 “Programs like ‘Young Ambassadors’ are the first step in creating lasting impact on Pennsylvania’s ecological health,” said PennDOT Secretary Mike Carroll in a statement. “These students will go on to become decision-makers and steer the state’s green future. Starting now is critical.”

KPB will also be awarding a minimum of two $1000 scholarships to high school seniors involved in the “Young Ambassadors” program, which includes both current and past participants.

“We are proud to welcome this new slate of Young Ambassadors to our program and excited to provide opportunities for them to engage and activate within their own community,” added Shannon Reiter, KPB’s president.

“Together, we will explore and connect with young professionals and like-minded students from not just Pennsylvania, but across the country and make a positive impact in our shared communities,” Reiter said. “We look forward to witnessing the remarkable achievements and positive changes that will emerge from this dynamic group.”

State departments of transportation across the country are involved in a wide variety of litter removal efforts, as well as public awareness campaigns that seek to eliminate roadway littering – in no small part due to the growing cost of roadside cleanup efforts.

The Ohio Department of Transportation, for example, note that it is now spending $10 million annually to collect trash along state and U.S. routes outside municipalities and all interstates except the Ohio Turnpike.

In May, the Utah Department of Transportation launched a new volunteer litter removal program called “Keeping Utah Beautiful” – a program designed to make it easy for members of the public to go online and sign up for a one-time cleanup of state roads.

The agency said these volunteer cleanups will supplement the work of Utah DOT crews who regularly pick up litter statewide. To ensure volunteer safety, “Keeping Utah Beautiful” participants will not clean interstates or some state routes, the Utah DOT stressed – and requires that program volunteers be a minimum of age 14.

That same month, the Oklahoma Department of Transportation and Missouri Department of Transportation announced the winners of their respective 2024 “trash” contests; poster-making and trash-can decoration campaigns involving elementary though high school students in order to help raise awareness regarding roadway litter removal needs.

And in July, crews from the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development picked up more than 76 tons of roadside litter in one week, earning the department the 2024 Outstanding State Agency award from Keep Louisiana Beautiful or KLB.

The litter removal was part of the KLB “Love the Boot Week,” a statewide event in which groups compete to win the award, which gets its name from Louisiana’s boot-like outline. The agency picked up more litter than any other group during the week in April, cleaning up 152,475 pounds at more than 10 cleanup sites across the state.

Utah DOT Using Recycled Concrete for Highway Project

The Utah Department of Transportation is recycling old concrete on the site of its Bangerter Highway project to help build the highway’s new interchanges. 

[Above photo by Utah DOT]

“In the past all of this concrete would have gone to waste and now is being recycled and reused for other projects,” noted Robert Stewart, director of Utah DOT’s Region 2, in a statement. “This pavement has been here for 30 years and it’s a great to be able to give it new life.”

He noted that construction crews have been working every day for the past five months on the recycling process, with Utah DOT opting to recycle the material on site instead of hauling off the material to another location to reduce the number of truck trips in the area.

To recycle concrete for reuse, the project’s construction crews use heavy machinery to break up the old sections of the highway, placing that material into an onsite crushing machine equipped with a large magnet inside to separate the concrete from the metal rebar, which is also recycled.

Once all the large cement chunks are crushed into tiny pieces, Utah DOT reprocesses the material into a road base for the new interchange. 

“We are taking the old Bangerter Highway, crushing it up and making it into a product to put into the new Bangerter Highway,” said Jake Nielson, contractor project manager on the Bangerter 4700 South project. “What most people don’t know is that most of the materials in our highways are 100 percent recyclable, whether that’s concrete or asphalt.”

Utah DOT noted that, for more than a decade, it has been working to eliminate stoplights on Bangerter Highway by converting intersections into interchanges.

As Bangerter Highway is one of the Salt Lake Valley’s largest north-to-south corridors – moving an average of 60,000 vehicles per day – removing stoplights and converting all intersections into freeway-style interchanges will enhance safety and help keep traffic moving in the ever-growing west side of the Salt Lake Valley.   

State departments of transportation across the country are involved in a variety of material recycling and reuse efforts.

For example, the Idaho Transportation Department is engaged in a broad effort to develop environmentally-friendly solutions that reduce plastic waste from entering the natural environment; particularly where infrastructure projects are concerned.

For instance, the agency is now using biodegradable erosion control loose weave “blankets” without joints that allow snakes and other wildlife to easily move over or through them. Those “blankets” play a key role in the agency’s Erosion and Sediment Control or ESC practices that prevent soil loss and reduce sediment-laden stormwater runoff in and around transportation infrastructure.

In 2023, the New Jersey Department of Transportation released a video detailing how its use of “foamed glass aggregate” provides a multitude of green benefits to the state – especially as the material is made from recycled glass bottles.

The Illinois Department of Transportation began working with the Illinois Center for Transportation in December 2021 to develop more “sustainable pavement practices,” which includes ways to incorporate more recycled materials such as plastic into asphalt mixes.

Their joint project – dubbed “R27-196-HS: Rheology-Chemical Based Procedure to Evaluate Additives/Modifiers Used in Asphalt Binders for Performance Enhancements: Phase 2” – investigated methods to “soften” asphalt binder to reduce pavement cracking.

As recycled materials are added to hot mix asphalt, the asphalt tends to harden and become brittle, potentially leading to premature cracking. As a result, the project’s researchers began testing the use of different “modifiers” or softening additives to asphalt binders to improve long-term pavement performance, especially when recycled materials are used in the mix.

Meanwhile, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation wrapped up a pilot project in 2021 that used pellets made from grocery bags, milk jugs, and other recyclable plastics in an asphalt reconstruction project.

Those pellets were added to the asphalt in two quarter-mile test sections of the project at the entrance to Ridley Creek State Park, about 15 miles west of Philadelphia.

Environmental News Highlights – September 4, 2024


Four State DOT Projects Receive EV Charging Grants -AASHTO Journal

Sustainable Transportation: A Comprehensive Overview -Transport Topics

Hundreds of Mayors Agree to Set the Pace for Electric Vehicle Adoption –Governing

Buttigieg is pouring billions into accessibility. He says it will benefit all travelers. -USA Today

Making Good on the Potential of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law -Volpe Center Thought Leadership Series (speaker announcement)



Feds, oil train proponents ask high court to reverse NEPA ruling -Westlaw Today



Desire Lines: The Unofficial Pedestrian Paths That Shape The City –Forbes

Walking (or riding) the talk: Gaining momentum with active transport –Infrastructure

The Mobility Revolution Envelops The Motor City -WWJ-TV’s Michigan Matters (video)

Rice engineers develop AI system for real-time sensing of flooded roads -Rice University (media release)



Small AV Shuttles Not Yet Suitable for Transit Operations -Government Technology

ChargePoint Launches AI Tool To Boost Charger Reliability -The EV Report

California Leaders Host Battery-Swap Electric Truck Forum to Explore New Opportunities to Decarbonize Transportation -California State Transportation Agency



Dense Cities With Low Emissions Suffer Most From Air Pollution, Study Finds –CityLab



‘Environmental justice and economic mobility matter the most to me’: Insights from a young voter -WNYC Radio

Equality In The Transportation Profession And Beyond -ITE Talks Transportation (podcast)

Bringing environmental justice to disadvantaged communities -The Ohio State University

Philly is creating its own environmental justice mapping tool with input from residents –WHYY



Idaho Transportation Department clears 12 miles of hazardous trees for safer roads -KAYU-TV

Florida DOT Launching Anti-Littering Campaign -WJAX-TV

Too much to lose: Preparing national park museum collections for climate change -National Park Service

Thrush hour: study suggests birdsong can ease commuter stress – The Guardian



Large mural unveiled in East Baltimore meant to slow down traffic -WMAR-TV

This man travelled from Canada to Mexico on only public transport –BBC

TD and Boise Bicycle Project team up to teach road safety to young cyclists -KBOI-TV



Connecticut’s e-bike voucher program is back – with a twist to make it more equitable -CT Insider

Navajo Nation adopts changes to tribal law regulating the transportation of uranium across its land -Las Vegas Sun

Advocates sue to stop rail trail construction -Eagle/Tribune

Second phase of the Adirondack rail trail opens with a celebratory bike ride -Adirondack Reporter

Utah cities teaming up to increase access to walking/biking trails and pathways -KTVX-TV

Newport, Covington adopt plan to expand bicycle transportation infrastructure in Northern Kentucky -Northern Kentucky Tribune

New Tool to Track Pedestrian and Bicyclist Traffic -City of Tampa (media release)



Development of a MASH Barrier to Shield Pedestrians, Bicyclists, and Other Vulnerable Users from Motor Vehicles –NCHRP

Intermodal Passenger Facility Planning and Decision-Making for Seamless Travel -ACHRP/NCHRP

Digital Construction Management in the Highway Industry -TRB (webinar)

TRB’s International Conference on Women and Gender in Transportation -TRB (conference)



Americans With Disabilities Act and Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Guidelines; EV Charging StationsArchitectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Notice of proposed rulemaking)

Membership in the National Parks Overflight Advisory Group (NPOAG) -FAA (Notice of selection to the National Parks Overflight Advisory Group)

Clean Air Act Advisory Committee (CAAAC): Notice of Meeting -EPA (Notice)

Notice of Meetings of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Public Advisory Committee -Office of the Secretary, Interior (Notice)

Air Plan Disapproval; Texas; Control of Air Pollution From Visible Emissions and Particulate Matter -EPA (Proposed rule)