Florida DOT Highlights March as Bicycle Month

The Florida Department of Transportation is kicking off its celebration of Florida Bicycle Month this March by highlight its online resources for bicycle safety and its ongoing commitment to spend $100 million on street intersection lighting for people biking and walking to improve safety.

[Photo courtesy of the Florida Department of Transportation.]

That’s because, statewide, the agency said over half of traffic crashes resulting in serious or fatal injuries to pedestrians and/or bicyclists occur during dark or dusk hours.

Begun in 2016, the Florida DOT’s five-year, $100 million effort is retrofitting existing and proposed lighting fixtures to light emitting diode or LED fixtures to boost illumination levels at signalized intersections in corridors with a high frequency of nighttime crashes resulting in serious injuries and fatalities to pedestrians and bicyclists.

The agency said that lighting upgrade effort is now also part of its Complete Streets program, adopted in 2018.

“Whether you bike to work or school, or for recreation, everyone has a right to arrive at their destination safely,” explained Kevin Thibault, Florida DOT secretary, in a statement – noting that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) recently signed a proclamation recognizing March as Florida Bicycle Month. “While taking advantage of Florida’s unique scenery and landscape, the department encourages all bicyclists to always be aware of their surroundings, follow the rules of the road, and never ride distracted,” Thibault said.

Environmental News Highlights – February 24, 2021


Buttigieg: After COVID-19 Relief, an Infrastructure Policy -Transport Topics

Buttigieg sets goals for electric, automated freight vehicles -The Hill

Democrats May Invoke Congressional Review Act to Reverse Recent EPA Rules – National Law Review

For the first time the US DOT is carving out budget for climate and environmental justice projects – TechCrunch

Spin doctors have shaped the environmentalism debate for decades – Washington Post (Opinion)


Post-Covid, Transit Agencies Must Look Beyond Ridership – CityLab

Feature Article: NYC Initiatives are a Model for Safeguarding the Nation’s Public Transit Systems – DHS Science and Technology Directorate


Environmental Enforcement Outlook on Climate Change, NEPA and Emerging Contaminants and Chemical Safety – Morgan Lewis (Blog)


Ohio’s Infrastructure Earns a ‘C-‘ Grade on Engineers’ Report Card – WKSU

‘It better be environmentally friendly’: UDOT working on better transportation in Little Cottonwood Canyon – KTVX-TV

SEPTA solar farm project now operational – Progressive Railroading

America’s Brittle Infrastructure Is on Display in Texas – New York Magazine

Florida celebrates sea level rise planning tool after years ‘behind the curve – Tampa Bay Times


EPA abandons Clean Power Plan, saying reinstatement “would not make sense” – Indiana Environmental Reporter

Washington Department of Ecology Preparing New Rule to Assess Greenhouse Gas Emissions – National Law Review

Connecticut Gov. Lamont unveils environmental priorities amid dispute over impact on gasoline prices – Hartford Courant


How Biden’s Environmental Justice Order Might Work – E&E News

Issues Of The Environment: Commemorating 30 Years Of The Environmental Justice MovementWEMU

Gov. Gavin Newsom is at a crossroads on climate action and environmental justice – Sacramento Bee (Opinion)


$194 million in five years: Vermont chips away at clean water goals – VTDigger

Healthy rivers: Communities use DNA tool to keep tabs on freshwater quality – The Conversation

Deregulation of wetlands a bad idea – Herald Bulletin (Editorial)


City Council discusses proposed “demolition by neglect” ordinance – Wyoming Tribune Eagle


Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission tool identifies potential transportation centers in 10-county region – Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

In Key Step for the Great Redwood Trail, NCRA Board Votes To Railbank the Line from Willits to Samoa – Lost Coast Outpost

Bicycle and pedestrian improvements planned by SCDOT – Moultrie News

Missoula’s new transportation plan heavy on bike lanes, trails; new interchange out – Missoula Current


U.S. Department of Transportation Announces FY 2021 Round of the Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) Grant Program – USDOT

Gaps in FAA’s Oversight of the AIP State Block Grant Program Contribute to Adherence Issues and Increase Risks – USDOT Inspector General

Webinar: Introduction to National Institute for Congestion Reduction (NICR) – National Institute for Congestion Reduction


FY 2021 Competitive Funding Opportunity: Low or No Emission Grant Program – FTA (Notice of funding opportunity)

Ocean Dumping: Modification of an Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site Offshore of Humboldt Bay, California – EPA (Final rule)

Air Plan Approval; OR; Smoke Management Revision – EPA (Proposed rule)

National Environmental Policy Act Guidance on Consideration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions – Council on Environmental Quality (Notice of rescission of draft guidance)

Connecticut DOT Report Outlines Key States Pedestrian Safety Strategies

The Connecticut Department of Transportation recently issued a 24-page report outlining key tactics and programs to increase pedestrian safety statewide as both national trends and state data points highlight the need to address pedestrian fatalities and injuries.

[Above photo of Bridgeport, CT, intersection by Doug Kerr.]

Nationally, pedestrian fatalities are increasing more than any other type of traffic fatality, according to data released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Meanwhile, in Connecticut over the past five years, the state averaged about 58 pedestrian fatalities annually – with preliminary 2020 crash data indicating 65 pedestrian fatalities occurred on state roadways.

“Far too many families have been impacted by a crash that resulted in a pedestrian fatality or serious injury,” said noted Joseph Giulietti, Connecticut DOT commissioner, in a statement. “[We] remain committed to working with our municipal partners to tackle the challenge of pedestrian safety, which will make our roadways safer for all that use them.”

Referencing NHTSA data, the Connect DOT said there has been a 53 percent increase in pedestrian deaths nationally between 2009 and 2018. The agency said there are several “significant factors” behind that spike in overall U.S. pedestrian fatalities including:

  • An increasing number of people are choosing to walk and be active outside, increasing the number of pedestrians on the streets.
  • An increased percentage of vehicles on the road are comprised of larger Sport Utility Vehicles and pick-up trucks, which can inflict more serious injuries to pedestrians.
  • An increased use of smartphones, increasing the potential for distractions.
  • Increased incidences of impaired driving and walking.

To counteract those trends, the Connecticut DOT’s report recommends what it calls a “four-pronged approach” to help reduce pedestrian risk and thereby increase safety:

  • Reduce and better manage traffic speeds in areas with significant pedestrian activity.
  • Implement safer roadway designs for crosswalks, intersections, and streets.
  • Increase public awareness campaigns to promote safer, less risky pedestrian behaviors.

Align policies and programs that strengthen the state’s roadway safety program for motorists and non-motorists alike.

Nevada DOT Roadway Work Includes Floodplain Improvements

Department of Transportation launches the “next phase” of major reconstruction of Great Basin Boulevard and East Aultman Street in Ely, NV, the agency is placing a particular focus on floodplain improvements.

[Above graphic by Nevada DOT.]

First, to enhance drainage in preparation for the roadway improvements, Nevada DOT crews constructed nearly 2,300 feet of concrete drainage pipe and open drainage channel in 2020 in order to convey stormwater from near the Orson Avenue and North Street intersection to Murry Creek. The agency added in a statement that those drainage improvements will continue as part of the project in 2021 and, when coupled with Great Basin Boulevard drainage improvements slated for 2021 as well, the work is the first step toward reducing floodplain limits and associated flooding concerns.

The overall project – overseen by the Nevada DOT in partnership with the City of Ely – is to reconstruct deteriorated local roadways while also upgrading the city’s water and sewer facilities. Planned upgrades alongside the floodplain improvements include a “complete streets” concept to reconstruct sections of Aultman Street and Great Basin Boulevard and reconfigure lanes to provide a safer route for drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists.

Environmental News Highlights – February 17, 2021


‘On Time with Tymon’ Provides Preview of AASHTO’s Washington Briefing – AASHTO Journal

House T&I Approves $42.5B in Further COVID-19 Relief – AASHTO Journal

E-BIKE Act Offers Tax Credit for Electric Bicycles – AASHTO Journal

House Panel to Include Climate Policy in Infrastructure Bill, Pallone Says – Transport Topics

Biden meets with bipartisan senators to discuss potential infrastructure bill – The Hill

U.S. Department of Transportation Announces $180 Million Funding Opportunity for Low or No Emission Transit Vehicles & Facilities – FTA (News release)


House T&I Hearing on ‘Lessons Learned’ from COVID-19 – AASHTO Journal

Kentucky Transportation Secretary Jim Gray testifies to Senate committee about state vaccine program – WBKO-TV

COVID-19 pandemic takes toll on Wisconsin transportation fund revenues – Wisconsin State Journal

The FAA Announces Season 2 of Its Podcast The Air Up There! – FAA (Press release)


As more cars go electric, Missouri’s fleet remains exclusively gas-powered – St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Three Approaches to Investing in Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure – Resources

Long-range infrastructure master plan moves closer to reality – Arizona Daily Star

Utah lawmakers face ‘mind boggling’ $1.1 billion in infrastructure requests – Deseret News

Momentum is growing towards investing in America’s crumbling infrastructure – The Hill (Opinion)


When power most needed, ‘peaker’ polluters fire up in Berkshires. Should that continue? – Berkshire Eagle

How inversions affect pollution and air quality – KTVB-TV

UP’s science-based targets approved for reducing GHG – Progressive Railroading

Pre–COVID-19 Subway Air Polluted from DC to Boston, But New York Region’s Is the Worst, Study Finds – NYU Langone Health (Press release)


Another Problem for the U.S. Border Wall: Wildlife Destruction – Bloomberg Green

VDOT selects team to help with water quality project – WWBT-TV

Mississippi River pollution plunged after passage of Clean Water Act, LSU study says – Times-Picayune

Draft Water Permits for Bulk Petroleum Storage Facilities Will Help Protect Chelsea River and Local Communities – EPA (News release)

Appeal Challenges Housing Development on Restorable San Francisco Bay Wetlands – Center for Biological Diversity (Press release)


Caltrans seeks public input on active transportation plan survey – Red Bluff Daily News

Turns out biking and walking in winter isn’t a breeze – Daily Herald

More Puget Sound-area foot ferries could cut travel times, new study says – Seattle Times

Scooters Are Rebounding from the Pandemic ‘Nuclear Winter’ – Government Technology

MORPC Matters: Central Ohio shifting toward complete mobility network – ThisWeek (Opinion)

Tampa Named Number One in Nation for Bicycle Friendly Businesses – FDOT (Press Release)


FAA Holding Webinar to Present Latest Noise Research – AASHTO Journal

New Mobility Services Combined with Transit Show Potential to Further Accessibility, Efficiency, Equity, Safety, and Sustainability – TRB

Clearing the Skies with Research on Electric Vehicles – TRB

TRB Webinar: Retrospective, Perspective, & Prospective of Transit-Oriented Development – TRB

TRB Webinar: Transportation Impacts in Managing Retreat from High-Risk Areas – TRB

New Report Charts Path to Net-Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050, Recommends Near-Term Policies to Ensure Fair and Equitable Economic Transition and Revitalization of Manufacturing Industry – National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

Quality Water from Every Tap: Proceedings of a Workshop – in Brief – National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

Recalibrate Reality: The Future of NY – Regional Plan Association & 92Y (Webinar series)

Planning and TDM (Part 2): Meaningful Design + Mobility Decisions: Elevating TDM’s Role in Reshaping Our Communities – Association for Commuter Transportation (Webinar)

Webinar Recording: Navigating the Muddy Waters of the Supreme Court’s Maui Decision – National Law Review


Forest Service Manual 2200, Chapters Zero, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 70; Forest Service Handbook 2209.13, Chapters 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90; and Forest Service Handbook 2209.16, Chapter 10; Extension of Comment Period for Rangeland Management; Public Notice and Comment for Changes to Forest Service Directives – Forest Service (Issuance of proposed directives; notice of availability for public comment; extension of comment period)

Technical Mapping Advisory Council; Meeting – FEMA (Committee management; notice of Federal Advisory Committee meeting)

FTA Providing $180M in Low-No Emission Grants

The Federal Transit Administration is making up to $180 million in competitive grant funds through a notice of funding opportunity for its Low or No Emission or “Low-No” grant program.

[Photo courtesy of New Flyer.]

The FTA said its Low-No program helps eligible project sponsors purchase or lease low- or no-emission vehicles, while also supporting facilities that use advanced technologies to provide cleaner, more energy-efficient transit operations in communities across the country. This year’s NOFO will prioritize applications with an environmental justice component as well as those that will support workforce development activities to help America’s transit workers succeed, the agency said.

“The Biden Administration is committed to investing in clean transportation, and the Low or No Emission Program will put more American-made, energy-efficient buses into service across the country,” noted U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg in a statement. “This is an important step forward in ensuring that communities have access to high-quality, zero-emission transportation options.”

“Through the Low-No grant program, transit operators nationwide have the ability to replace aging buses near the end of their lifecycle with newer, cleaner models that are more efficient to operate and maintain,” added FTA Acting Administrator Nuria Fernandez.

In support of President Biden’s climate crisis executive order issued on January 20, FTA is placing a priority on projects that will help improve air quality in specific “non-attainment areas” around the country. 

FTA also said all capital procurements made via these funds must meet its Buy America requirements, which mandate that all iron, steel, and manufactured products be produced in the United States. It also requires that the cost of components and subcomponents of rolling stock produced in the United States must be more than 70 percent of the cost of all components.  Additionally, as part of FTA’s commitment to helping transit professionals keep up-to-date on technological advancements, the agency said Low-No recipients are permitted and encouraged to use up to 0.5 percent of these grant awards for workforce development activities, with an additional 0.5 percent available to cover costs associated with training at the National Transit Institute.

MassDOT Issues Shared Winter Streets & Spaces Funding

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation is providing more than $3.2 million to support 21 municipal transportation projects – including new bike-share facilities, new sidewalks, and outdoor dining areas. That money comes from the third round of Baker-Polito Administration’s Shared Winter Streets and Spaces program.

[Photo courtesy of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation.]

MassDOT noted in a statement that this program – launched in June 2020 – provides technical and funding assistance to help Massachusetts cities and towns conceive, design, and implement tactical changes to curbs, streets, and parking areas in support of public health, safe mobility, and renewed commerce, with a special focus on the particular challenges of winter.

The agency added that more than $10.2 million in state funding has been allocated for this program so far. MassDOT said its Shared Winter Streets and Spaces program provides grants as small as $5,000 and as large as $500,000 for municipalities to quickly launch changes for safer walking, biking, public transit, recreation, commerce, and civic activities. These improvements can be intentionally temporary or can be pilots of potentially permanent changes, with MassDOT particularly focused on projects that respond to the current public health crisis and provide safe mobility for children and senior citizens as well as public transportation, open spaces, and parks projects. Communities identified as at high risk for COVID-19 transmission are also given preference for winter street funding as well, the agency said.

SCDOT Adopts ‘Complete Streets’ Policy for State Highway System

The South Carolina Department of Transportation adopted on February 4 what it calls a “wide-ranging” Complete Streets policy for the state-owned highway system.

[Photo courtesy of the South Carolina Department of Transportation.]

That policy requires the South Carolina DOT to work with the state’s regional transportation planning partners and regional transit providers to identify and include walking, bicycling, and transit needs as part of their regional visioning plans. The agency will then tailor those plans to the “unique needs” of locales across the state, serving as a foundation for highway planning and design, construction, maintenance, and daily operations.

“The goal of this policy is to make our highway system safe and accessible to all users; drivers, passengers, bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit riders,” explained South Carolina DOT Secretary Christy Hall in a statement. “Proper planning is key to ensuring that the appropriate level of multimodal accommodations is provided in the right context, on the right project, and in the right manner to meet the needs of the community.”

Key components of the agency’s new Complete Streets policy include:

  • Funding for pedestrian, bicycling, and transit accommodations is to be included in the budget for each project if warranted on the individual project and in accordance with the regional plans.
  • Updating and modernizing agency design manuals to include multimodal accommodations.
  • Establishing a council to facilitate ongoing communication to seek continuous improvement opportunities and initiatives.

“I appreciate the time and effort the various advocacy groups put into the new policy,” added Hall. “They have worked side-by-side with us from the beginning and we count on their input as we begin to make South Carolina’s highways more efficient and safer for all of our citizens.”

E-BIKE Act Would Offer Tax Credit for Electric Bicycles

Congressional legislation introduced on February 9 by Reps. Jimmy Panetta, D-Calif., and Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., would create a consumer tax credit to spur sales of electric bicycles for commuting and recreational purposes.

[Photo courtesy Jason Vogel, via Wikimedia Commons.]

The Electric Bicycle Incentive Kickstart for the Environment or E-BIKE Act would create a consumer tax credit that covers 30 percent of the cost of a new electric bicycle costing less than $8,000, up to a $1,500 credit.

“My legislation will make it easier for more people from all socio-economic levels to own e-bikes and contribute to cutting our carbon output,” explained Rep Panetta in a statement. “By incentivizing the use of electric bicycles to replace car trips through a consumer tax credit, we can not only encourage more Americans to transition to greener modes of transportation but also help fight the climate crisis.”

“Communities large and small are driving a bike boom [and] notably, electric bicycles are expanding the range of people who can participate and making bike commuting even easier,” noted Rep. Blumenauer, who is also the founder and co-chair of the Congressional Bike Caucus. “I look forward to working with Congressman Panetta on this important expansion of cycling opportunities.”

“The League knows life is better for everyone when more people ride bikes, and we know e-bikes make biking a more accessible and easier option for more Americans,” said Bill Nesper, executive director of the League of American Bicyclists. “We’re encouraged by congressional leadership on the E-BIKE Act, a bill that if passed will enable Americans to fight climate change and improve public health through the simple act of bicycling.”

Separately, the League of American Bicyclists recently named Tampa, FL, the number one city in the country for bicycle-friendly businesses or BFBs – a program that requires businesses to support and promote cycling to their customers, employees, and the community by providing bike parking, safety education, and promotions for retail customers who arrive by bike.

Tampa currently has 66 certified BFBs such as Tampa International Airport and Tampa General Hospital, adding nine new businesses in 2021 with six others renewing and improving their level of certification. “It’s exciting to see more and more cities such as Tampa embracing and encouraging safe, efficient multimodal transportation options,” noted Florida Department of Transportation Secretary Kevin Thibault in a statement. “[We] appreciate this recognition from the Bicycle Friendly Business program as well as their efforts to recognize businesses going the extra mile for their employees and communities.”

Environmental News Highlights – February 10, 2021


Registration for AASHTO’s Washington Briefing Now Open – AASHTO Journal

State DOTs Look to Work with Secretary Buttigieg to Improve Americans’ Quality of Life – AASHTO Journal

New bills target federal dollars to U.S. transportation infrastructure improvements – Transportation Today

How the Federal Government Could Help Kill the Highways It Built – CityLab

The Biden administration needs a climate migration coordinator – The Hill (Opinion)


Contactless Transit Fares Get a Pandemic Boost – CityLab

Webinar: Connecticut in Motion-Transit and COVID-19 – March 2 – Hartford Business Journal


Pipeline Ruling Bolsters Environmental Standard Trump Erased – Bloomberg Law

TVA asks for public comments about proposed nuclear reactor site – Oak Ridge Today

Cheney introduces bill to recognize local interests in NEPA decisions – Wyoming Tribune Eagle


More than 75 bills are related to the environment this session. Here are ones we’re following. – Indianapolis Star

Bay Area Rep Introduces Environmental Restoration Bill – KNTV-TV

Trees, housing key parts of Decatur and Agnes Scott’s climate resilience plan – Decaturish
Transportation & Infrastructure: What to Expect from the Biden Administration & 117th Congress – National Law Review


Tennessee Climate Office established at ETSU – Johnson City Press

Utah Bill To Raise Electric Vehicle Fees By Up To 400% Sparks Debate On Air Quality And Road Usage – KUER

Automakers Drop Opposition to California’s Vehicle Emissions Authority – Route Fifty

Saving Water Saves Energy and Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions – UC Davis (Press release)


DC DOT Advancing Transportation Equity – AASHTO’s ETAP Podcast

Transportation justice, commute knowledge, and equitable access – Penn Today

Baltimore to participate in Transit Equity Learning Lab – WMAR-TV


Caltrans seeks public input on active transportation plan survey – KNVN-TV

Kelowna looks to offer exclusivity for e-bike-share operator, not e-scooters – Lake Country Calendar

Bikeshare could soon get federal transit dollars – Greater Greater Washington

Knoxville regional study shows drop in crashes involving pedestrians and bicyclists – WATE-TV

SCDOT Adopts New “Complete Streets” Policy – South Carolina DOT (Press release)


New Mobility Services Combined with Transit Show Potential to Further Accessibility, Efficiency, Equity, Safety, and Sustainability – TRB

TRB Webinar: Retrospective, Perspective, and Prospective of Transit-Oriented Development – TRB

Planning and TDM (Part 1): An Engineer and a Planner Walk Into a Bar… – Association For Commuter Transportation (Webinar)

Verified: More Parking Puts More Cars on the Road – Sightline Institute

Impacts of transportation network companies on urban mobility – Nature Sustainability


National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways; Revision – FHWA (Proposed rule; extension of comment period)

Request for Nominations to the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council – EPA (Notice)

Agency Information Collection Activities; Hydrography Addressing Tool – U.S. Geological Survey (Notice of Information Collection; request for comment)

Petition for Exemption; Summary of Petition Received; Google Research Climate and Energy Group – FAA (Notice)

Determination of a National Emergency Requiring Actions To Protect the Safety of Americans Using and Employed by the Transportation System – DHS (Notice)

Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Construction of the South Fork Offshore Wind Project – National Marine Fisheries Service (Notice; proposed incidental harassment authorization; request for comments on proposed authorization and possible renewal)